FiscalSolutions Charity

Toiletries for children from the slums of Dhaka

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  • Toiletries for children from the slums of Dhaka
18 Aug

Maria Cristina Foundation (Maria Cristina Foundation) is a charity organization initiated by a woman named Maria. She is the heart of this organization, and her main goal is to provide hope and a future to hundreds of children in the slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh. She is mainly doing this by helping them acquire an education.

The only way to get out of poverty is through proper education.

But during their daily lives, these children are lacking almost everything that we take for granted, as matters of our daily lives, for example, toiletries.

In this small project, the goal was to collect enough money to provide toiletries for 141 children. To help Maria to reach this target Fiscal Solutions donated 2.000 euros to her charity organization.

One year later, Darko Pavic and its daughter Mara went in Dhaka once again. The target was to make photos and to talk to people.

But they didn’t come with empty hands. They bought sweets, toys and mobile phones.

Toys, sweets and toiletries we distributed to all children, who are supported by Maria Cristina Foundation. The mobile phones were given as rewards for the best results at school. 12 children received smartphones.

Although we didn’t reach our major target, means to take the pictures for the book and the exhibition we are very satisfied about this trip. Darko and Mara have done lots of things which they didn’t really plan on.

Around 4000 USD was spent, in total.
